
    Improved control and energy reduction

    Summer is no holiday for the maintenance teams

    The extended summer break is a prime time to get ahead for education estates. Having had all the rooms cleaned, walls repaired and floors scrubbed, it is time to check the heating, ventilating and lighting systems in order to examine what is working well and what needs to be repaired or updated. Proactive maintenance work is a crucial task for the facility teams that might even last until the very final days of the summer holiday.

    Optimal learning environment to support education

    Educational success depends on how "healthy" the physical environment is in which learning takes place. Health protection, improved comfort and increased efficiency in educational facilities is of great importance. As we think about school children, students and teachers spending many hours indoors, it is worth considering whether existing building energy management systems provide the right level of protection for them. Implementing advanced, intelligent technology can help you achieve security, comfort and productivity goals while avoiding the need to replace existing systems, ensuring a quick return on investment, thus saving money in the long run.

    Case Studies

    UWC Atlantic College

    Energy reduction and lowering carbon emissions

    The Brunei Gallery - SOAS University of London

    Reduction in CO2 emissions and improved occupant comfort

    University of Leeds

    Energy cost savings and BEMS optimization

    Queen Mary University

    Reducing carbon emissions and improving energy efficiency

    Ipswich High School

    Improving comfort and stepping towards net zero

    Contact Us

    School security, indoor air quality, energy costs and aging buildings can impact a learning environment. We can help you address those issues affordably, for a sustainable, energy-efficient and safer schools.