
    Releasing Panels

    Central Extinguishing Unit

    Central Extinguishing Unit as system status indicator LEDs and a display with two digits of the operating time discharge.


    Central Extinguishing Unit as system status indicator LEDs and a display with two digits of the operating time discharge. It also incorporates manual extinguishing button, gas triggered sign and key for selection of manual, automatic or out of service mode. It is fully programmable standby and pause, discharge timing, cross zone, extinguishing sequence, etc. Incorporates input circuits for conventional detectors, input for stop or wait button, manual push button, monitoring devices such as pressure switch, low pressure, open doors and mechanical override. It has output circuits for indicating the different stages of the system, siren output with three stages: alert, alarm, and extinction, gas sign triggered, double extinguishing circuit and circuits for closing the gates and signaling the status of the system. Optionally it allows to connect the following modules: an ITAC module, a card VSN-232 serial port and an IP communicator.

    Features & Benefits:
    • Selection by manual, auto & out of service mode
    • Fully Programmable standby & pause
    • Manual override
    • Siren output with three stages
    • 1134-CPD-045
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